Emily Cammock

Emily is a full time equestrian based in West Melton, Christchurch.

Emily has a team of horses ranging from babies to 4*. In addition, Emily takes in schoolers for Training/Retraining and has a number of horses that she competes for owners.

Emily is highly active in the eventing scene, through coaching and involvement in the local Horse Trials group as part of the Sponsorship sub committee. She has recently returned to the role of South Island Riders Rep on the ESNZ Eventing Board.

Emily has worked, ridden, competed and coached in America, England, Australia and Thailand.

Riding discipline:


Top achievements:

•Shortlisted for WEG 2006

•Member of the winning Senior Trans Tasman team 2007

•Competing at Adelaide 5* 2005 and 2018, Badminton 5* 2008 and Kentucky 5* 2015

•Winning the National 3DE Advanced Championship 2012 and 2017

•Eventing Horse of the Year Champion 2015